was established November 7, 2002
to advocate against veterinary malpractice, incompetence & negligence and
to educate the public about how state veterinary boards handle citizens' complaints



2004 Minutes of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board
See also: more Information About the NCVMB

January 23, 2004, MINUTES
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board, Raleigh, North Carolina

President Herbert Justus, D.V.M., called the regular meeting of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board to order at 8:00 A.M.  In attendance were Board members Drs. Richard Hawkins, Linwood Jernigan, Amy Lewis, David Marshall, Kenneth Padgett, Mrs. Nancy Robinson, R.V.T., and Ms. Amy Edwards.  Also present were Board Attorney, Mr. George Hearn, and Executive Director, Mr. Thomas Mickey.

The Executive Director read the minutes of the November 6, 2003, meeting.  On a motion made by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Dr. Jernigan, the minutes were approved as corrected.

Dr. Marshall requested that a printed opening statement be prepared for future administrative hearings be created.  No further action was taken.

Due to a conflict with another meeting, Dr. Padgett requested that another date be selected for the next Board meeting.  Dr. Marshall made a motion to move the April 16 meeting to April 23.  Dr. Jernigan seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board identified a possible date for the administrative hearing requested by Bruce Simmons. D.V.M. as April 21.  A back-up date of May 20 was also selected.  No further action was taken.

Dr. Justus introduced the new members of the Board, Ms. Edwards and Dr. Hawkins.  Ms. Edwards was appointed by Governor Easley on December 3, 2003, and serves until June 30, 2006.  She replaces Ms. Rebecca Bruton who resigned on October 31. 2003.  She took her oath of office on December 19, 2003.  Dr. Hawkins was appointed by Governor Easley on December 3, 2003, and serves until June 20, 2008.  He replaced Dr. Joseph Gordon,  He took his oath of office on December 19, 2003.

The regular meeting of the Board adjourned at 9:18 A.M. for a twenty-minute break.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 9:45 A.M.

At 9:50 a.m. the Board conducted a telephone conference call with Mr. Thomas Ross representing Save The Animals, Inc., and Thomas Falish representing Elizabeth Broome, D.V.M.  Their purpose in talking to the Board was to discuss an arrangement between Save The Animals, Inc. and Dr. Broome to deliver low cost spay and neutering services.  The telephone conversation continued until 10:35 a.m.  They are to rework their arrangement and get back to the Board.  No further action was taken.

The Executive Director reported on activities of the Board office since the last meeting.

The regular meeting of the Board adjourned at 11:10 A.M. for a ten-minute break.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 11:20 A.M.

The Executive Director distributed a financial report to the Members of the Board.  Dr. Padgett made a motion to approve the report.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 1.

03042-1-1   Paul A. Moss, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Al Karlowitsch) - Dismissed, no probable cause

03036-1-1   Timothy Jordan, D.V.M. And Kevin Arthur Monce (Complaint by Ms. Brenda Wells) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution, Dr. Jordan.  Dismissed, no probable cause, Dr. Monce.

03050-1-1   James Melvin Howard, D.V.M. And Heidi Lynn Hutmaker, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Mary Recupero) - Dismissed, no probable cause. 

Dr. Padgett made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 1 report.  Dr. Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 7.

03030-1-7   Elizabeth Mills Hardie, D.V.M. And Christian Scott Osmond, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rinaldo) - Dismissed, no probable cause. 

03041-1-7   Robert Christian Ford, D.V.M. And Ruston Wayne Howell, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Agnes Davenport) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

03045-1-7     Bruce Widdowson, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Rosemary Coley) - Disciplinary Action, Letter of Caution.

Dr. Marshall made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 7 report.  Dr. Hawkins seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Investigator presented a report on his work since the last Board meeting.  No further action was taken.

The Board reviewed a letter from Ms. Margaret Jennings, Esq. concerning Joel M. Barden, D.V.M. And his late payment of the $5,000.00 civil monetary penalty imposed by the Board.  In her letter, she requested the Board accept his late payment to to request a hearing if the request is denied.  Dr. Jernigan made a motion that a modified consent order be presented to Joel M. Barden, D.V.M.  This is a result of his late payment of the Civil Monetary Penalty concerning complaint no. 03031-2-8.  This late payment is a violation of the terms of the order.  The new order would require Dr. Barden to pay an additional eight hundred dollar penalty and the remaining balance of his financial obligations be paid within 30 days.  Following discussion Dr. Jernigan rescinded his motion.

Dr. Hawkins made a motion that based on Dr. Barden violation one portion of the order relating to complaint no 0302¡-2-8 that the terms concerning a violation of the order be activated.  This would result in Dr. Barden's veterinary license being suspended for three years.  Dr. Jernigan seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the letter from Michael S. Clark, Ph.D. concerning his opening a company to perform molecular diagnostic testing for North Carolina Veterinarians.  A letter is to be sent informing him that the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board requires no regulatory oversight and refer him to the United States Department of Agriculture for concerns regarding program diseases.

The Board reviewed the letter from Mr. Dan Phillips concerning Koi husbandry.  Dr. Lewis made a motion that a response to Mr. Phillips be sent that states his work must be limited to husbandry and that  other work beyond husbandry be performed by a veterinarian.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passes unanimously.

Dr. Lewis made a motion to enter into a closed session pursuant to G.S. § 143-318.11(a)(5), to discuss current and future employment compensation of Board staff.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passes unanimously.  At 1:49 p.m., the Board entered into closed session. The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 2:15 p.m.

On a motion by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Mrs. Robinson, the Board approved the actual expenses for this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote upon a motion by Dr. Lewis and seconded by Dr. Padgett at 2:25 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted, 
Thomas M. Mickey
Executive Director

April 23, 2004, MINUTES
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board, Raleigh, North Carolina

President Herbert Justus, D.V.M., Called the regular meeting of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board to order at 8:06 A.M.  In attendance were Board members Drs. Richard Hawkins, Linwood Jernigan, Amy Lewis, David Marshall, Kenneth Padgett, Mrs. Nancy Robinson, R.V.T., And Ms. Amy Edwards.  Also present were Board Attorney, Mr. George Hearn, and Executive Director, Mr. Thomas Mickey.

The Executive Director read the minutes of the January 23, 2004, meeting.  On a motion made by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Dr. Jernigan, the minutes were approved as corrected.

The Board identified another set of possible meeting dates for the administrative hearing requested by Bruce Simmons, D.V.M. as August 18, 19, & 20.  Back-up dates of August 25, 26, & 27 were also selected.  No further action was taken.

Mr. Hearn reviewed with the Board the letter from Charles H. Cranford, Esq. who represents William Caudle, D.V.M.  Dr. Padgett made a motion that Dr. Caudle be required to appear before the Board at its next regular meeting as a condition of reinstatement of his veterinary license. The motion failed for lack of a second.  Dr. Marshall made a motion that the Board ask Dr. Caudle to appear before the Board at its next regular meeting.  Dr. Padgett seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Executive Director reported on activities of the Board office since the last meeting.

The Executive Director distributed a financial report to the Members of the Board.  Dr. Lewis made a motion to approve the report.  Dr. Jernigan seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The regular meeting of the Board adjourned at 9:00 A.M. for a ten-minute break.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 9:10 A.M.

The Investigator presented a report on his work since the last Board meeting.  No further action was taken.

At 9:20 a.m., Kelli Ferris, D.V.M. joined the meeting to update the Board on the draft legislation on the Companion Animal Act and to educate the Board on how the outreach program at the North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine is conducted.  Following her presentation and answering questions, she left the meeting at 10:20 a.m.  No further action was taken.

 At 10:20 a.m. Warren Pendergast, M.D., acting Medical Director of the North Carolina Physicians Health Program, joined the meeting. Dr. Lewis made a motion to enter into a closed session pursuant to G.S. § 143.318.11(a)(4) and § 90-187.15. Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. At 10:21 a.m., the Board entered into closed session.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 11:10 A.M.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 1.

03035-1-1  Harold Pearce, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Holt) - At the request of Dr. Pearce the Committee reconsidered the complaint.  Following a review of the case the Committee reaffirmed its previous decision to issue a Letter of Reprimand. 

03046-1-1   Jeffrey Denis, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. & Mrs. Barry Bloss) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

03040-1-1   Kim Francine Krivit, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. Tim Smith) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

03044-1-1   Sherri Lynn Hicks, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Shirley Wetherington) - No response from Ms. Wetherington, Dismissed, no probable cause.

01023-2-1   Kevin A. Monce, D.V.M. (Complaint by the Board) The Committee is reconsidering its previous decision to issue a Letter of Reprimand.

03052-1-1   Amanda Drummond, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Loralie Grigas), Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

03038-1-1   Joel K. Garrett, D.V.M. & Brian Kenneth Garrett, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Louise Phillips) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

03054-1-1   Katherine Wolfe, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Marcia Hartmann) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04004-1-1   Thomas Jesse Watson, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Alexa B. MacPherson) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04002-1-1   William Ezra Rodgers, III, D.V.M. and Elizabeth G. Bauer, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Suzanne R. Evans) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

Dr. Lewis made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 1 report.  Dr. Padgett seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 7.

03043-1-7   Stacy Jefferson Chappell, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Barbara K. Glenn) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

03051-1-7   Mark A. McMahon, D.V.M. and William Ian Ross, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. Glen Peterson) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

03039-1-7   William Perkins Hay, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Frances Andrews) - Dismissed no probable cause.

03039-1-7  Robert Webster, D.V.M., Margaret Kuhn, D.V.M. and Thomas Kuhn (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cuniff) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

03055-1-7   Robert Ray Rednour, D.V.M. and Steven David Rushton, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Shirley Buck) - The portion of the complaint against Dr. Rushton is dismissed and Dr. Rednour should receive a Letter of Caution for the portion of the complaint against him.

03047-1-7   Randolph William Wetzel, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Carolyn Lester) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

03053-1-7   Christopher Ryan Koester, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Marie James) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

Dr. Jernigan made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 7 report.  Dr. Hawkins seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m. for lunch.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 1:15 a.m.

The Board reviewed the change to the business standard mileage rate set by the Internal Revenue Service.  Dr. Padgett made a motion to change the reimbursement rate to 37.5 cents per mile.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Robinson made a motion to approve the contract between the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners and the Board to provide the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination.  Dr. Jernigan seconded the motion.  The motion passes unanimously.

Dr. Padgett made a motion to approve the contract between the Professional Examination Service and the Board to provided the Veterinary Technician National Examination.  Dr. Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the Survey of Veterinary State Regulatory Boards from the American Veterinary Medical Associations' Education Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG).  Dr. Marshall made a motion to answer yes to question 1, "Is your state veterinary regulatory board in favor of adding board certification in an AVMA-recognized veterinary specialty organization as an option for complete Step 4 of the ECFVG program."  His motion also included answering no to question 4, "If board certification were added to Step 4 of the ECFVG certification program, would your state issue specialty or restricted licenses to those veterinarians who complete the ECFVG program through board certification?"  Dr. Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the letter from Mr. Robert Fuller, Managing Partner, AVIC Holding, LLC concerning their proposal to bring advanced imaging technologies to the veterinary market in North Carolina.  Dr. Marshall made a motion to request Mr. Fuller to attend the next meeting of the Board and make a formal presentation.  Dr. Padgett seconded the motion.  The motion passed with Dr. Justus opposed.

Dr. Justus appointed a Nomination Committee consisting of Mrs. Robinson, Dr. Padgett and Dr. Jernigan.  The Committee is to recommend a slate of officers at the next Board meeting.

Upon a motion by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Mrs. Robinson, the Board approved the actual expenses for this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote upon a motion by Dr. Jernigan and seconded by Mrs. Robinson at 1:35 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted, 
Thomas M. Mickey
Executive Director

June 24, 2004, MINUTES
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board, Asheville,  North Carolina

President Herbert Justus, D.V.M., called the regular meeting of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board to order at 8:07 A.M.  In attendance were Board members Drs. Richard Hawkins, Linwood Jernigan, Amy Lewis, David Marshall, Kenneth Padgett, Mrs. Nancy Robinson, R.V.T., and Ms. Amy Edwards.  Also present were Board Attorney, Mr. George Hearn, and Executive Director, Mr. Thomas Mickey.

The Executive Director read the minutes of the April 23, 2004, meeting.  On a motion made by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Dr. Hawkins, the minutes were approved as corrected.

At 8:20 a.m. Warren Pendergast, M.D., Acting Medical Director of the North Carolina Physicians Health Program, joined the meeting.  Dr. Lewis made a motion to enter into closed session pursuant to G.S. § 143-318.11(a)(1) and .§ 190-187.15. Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passes unanimously.  At 8:21 a.m., the Board entered into closed session.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 9:00 A.M.

At 9:05 a.m. Mr. Robert Fuller and Mr. Jeff Williams, of AVIC Holdings, LLC, appeared before the Board to make a formal presentation to the Board about bringing advanced imaging technologies to the veterinary market in North Carolina.  They left the meeting at 9:35 a.m.  No further action was taken.

The regular meeting of the Board adjourned at 9:35 A.M. for a ten-minute break.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 9:45 A.M.

The Board discussed the presentation on AVIC Holding, LLC.  The Executive Director is to send a letter agreeing in principal to the proposal and require notification to the Board should the process deviate from the proposal.  No further action was taken.

The Investigator presented a report on his work since the last Board meeting.  No further action was taken.

The Executive Director reported on activities of the Board office since the last meeting.

The Executive Director distributed a financial report to the Members of the Board.  Dr. Jernigan made a motion to approve the report.  Dr. Hawkins seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed information about the new veterinary technology program being developed at the Ashville-Buncombe Technical Community College.  The Board directed Mr. Hearn to send a letter to the director of the program expressing the Board's concerns about the language being used to describe the program.

Dr. Lewis made a motion to approve the purchase of an additional fireproof file cabinet for the Board office.  Dr. Padgett seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 1.

03049-1-1  Charles W. Enloe, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Christie Squirrel) - Continued by the Committee.

04006-1-1   Steven A. Walker, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Jennifer Webb) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04008-1-1   Susan Ries Velashinas, D.V.M. And Annette Ward Whites, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Hudson) - The portion of the complain against Dr. Whited is dismissed with a finding of no probable cause.  The portion of the complaint against Dr. Valashinas is a disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

03048-1-1   Amanda Lee McKee, D.V.M. & Lisa Ann Kingsbury, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Victoria Foskolos) - No response from Ms. Foskolos, dismissed, no probable cause.

04012-1-1   Patricia Norris Feeser, D.V.M. & Eileen Greenan Whitten, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ryan) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

99043-1-1   William Cooper, D.V.M. (Complaint of the Board) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand.

00046-2-1   Jonathan Kent-Kealii Stone, D.V.M. (Complaint of the Board) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand.

Dr. Padgett made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 1 report.  Dr. Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 7.

04001-1-7   Christine C. Y. Weaver, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Deborah Link) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04003-1-7   John Patrick Galligan, Jr. (Complaint by Ms. Carol Sanford) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04007-1-7   Norman F. Manning, D.V.M. & Jennifer Marie Smith, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Danny Newberry) - The portion of the complaint against Dr. Manning is dismissed, no probable cause.  Dr. Smith is to receive a disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04013-1-7   Cara Jane Roten-Henson, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mrs. Norma Roark) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04011-1-7   Katherine Elaine Smith, D.V.M. (Complaint of Charles M. Coats, D.V.M.) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution

04009-1-7   Art R. Taylor, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Chris Souther) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04005-1-7   Susan Michele Rohrer, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. Sam R. Gore) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:58 a.m. for lunch.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 12:55 p.m.

04017-1-7   James E. Brown, D.V.M. (Complaint of Tonya Higgins, D.V.M.) - Dr. Higgins was satisfied with the response of Dr. Brown so the complaint is considered withdrawn.

02045-1-7   Bruce Simmons, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. & Mrs. Rod Orozco) - Following the receipt of new information from Dr. Simmons the Committee recommended that the previous decision to issue a Letter of Reprimand be rescinded and instead a Letter of Caution be issued.

Dr. Jernigan, who abstained from Complaint # 04009-1-7, made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 7 report.  Dr. Hawkins seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Committee on Investigations No. 1 recommended that the Letter of Reprimand previously issued to Kevin Arthur Monce, D.V.M. to resolve complaint no. 01023-2-1 be retracted as the result of new information.  Dr. Lewis made a motion to adopt the recommendation.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board set the date for the next Board meeting to be in Raleigh on August 27, 2004.  Possible meeting dates for the remained of the fiscal year are November 12, 2004, January 14, April 8, and June 23, 2005.

The Nomination Committee presented their slate of officers for 2004-2005.  The Committee nominated Dr. Justus for President, Dr. Lewis for Vice President and Dr. Marshall for Secretary-Treasurer.  Dr. Padgett made a motion that the slate of officers be approved and elected to their respective positions.  Dr. Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the presentations and discussions in relevant committee meetings, with the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association, attended by certain members of the Board.  The Board determined that by holding its June meeting in Asheville, North Carolina, it provided Board Members with communications, discussion and learning opportunities that did and will enable the Board to more effectively fulfill its responsibilities.  While the Board considers its office in Raleigh to be its regular and preferred meeting site, the Board determined that meetings in the same general locations where other veterinary professional groups are convening can be a communication resource for the Board.  Upon a motion by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Dr. Hawkins, the Board approved the actual expenses incurred for travel, meals and lodging for Board Members, Board Attorney, Executive Director and Staff.

The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote upon a motion by Dr. Padgett and seconded by Dr. Hawkins at 1:25 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted, 
Thomas M. Mickey
Executive Director

August 27, 2004, MINUTES
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board, Raleigh, North Carolina

President Herbert Justus, D.V.M., Called the regular meeting of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board to order at 8:00 A.M.  In attendance were Board members Drs. Richard Hawkins, Linwood Jernigan, Amy Lewis, David Marshall, Kenneth Padgett, Mrs. Nancy Robinson, R.V.T., And Ms. Amy Edwards.  Also present were Board Attorney, Mr. George Hearn, and Executive Director, Mr. Thomas Mickey.

The Executive Director read the minutes of the June 24, 2004, meeting.  On a motion made by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Dr. Lewis, the minutes were approved as corrected.

The Executive Director reported on activities of the Board office since the last meeting.

The Executive Director distributed a financial report to the Members of the Board.  Dr. Lewis made a motion to approve the report.  Dr. Padgett seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed the letter from Richard Mansmann, V.M.D. concerning Ms. Cole Baker performing equine massage in conjunction with the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine.  Dr. Jernigan and Dr. Marshall were appointed to review equine massage and report back at the next Board meeting.  No further action was taken.

The regular meeting of the Board adjourned at 9:30 A.M. for a ten-minute break.

The regular meeting of the Board reconvened at 9:42 A.M.

At 9:45 a.m., Ms. Elizabeth Fox appeared before the Board to discuss her being registered as a Veterinary Technician. She left the meeting at 10:00 a.m.

At 10:00 a.m. William A. Caudle, D.V.M. appeared before the Board to discuss his consent order.  Dr. Caudle left the meeting at 10:15 a.m.  No further action was taken.

The Investigator presented a report on his work since the last Board meeting.  No further action was taken.

Dr. Jernigan made a motion to send Ms. Fox a letter stating that it is not within the authority of the Board to grant her an exemption to the registration requirements of a veterinary technician.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passes unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 1.

00011-2-1   Donna F. Secrest, R.V.T. (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand.

03035-1-1   Harold Pearce, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Holt) - The Committee met with Dr. Pearce in response to his request.  The Committee determined that it would hold the Letter of Reprimand that was previously issued and meet with Mr. & Mrs. Holt at its next meeting.

03049-1-1    Charles W. Enloe, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Christie Squirrel) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04018-1-1      Gina Francis, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. & Mrs. Terrace Gaylor) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution

04010-1-1     Amanda Drummond, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Terri Sandlin) - No response by Ms. Sandlin, dismissed, no probable cause.

04024-1-1     Craig A. Corry, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Peggy Leggett) - Continued.

04022-1-1     Patricia Monahan Jordan, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Caressa McBride) - Dismissed, no probable cause

04022-1-1  Mark W. Jackson, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Ellen Goldberg) - Dismissed, no probable cause

Dr. Lewis made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 1 report.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously, with Dr. Padgett abstaining from complaint # 04016-1-1.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 7.

03033-1-7     Michael S. Grafinger, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. John L. Johnson, Jr.) - Dr. Grafinger had requested the Committee reconsider the previously issued letter of reprimand.  After meeting with him, the Committee determine that it would let the discipline stand.

04015-1-7     L.. G. Yarboro, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. Rick Blanton) - Disciplinary actin (sic), Letter of Caution.

04019-1-7     James E. Brown, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. Peter MacQueen III) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04021-1-7     Lee A. Darch, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Lueann M. Duke) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand and $1,000 civil monetary penalty.

Dr. Jernigan made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 7 report.  Dr. Marshall seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Due to a conflict  with the original dates for the November meeting, the Board discussed possible new meeting dates.  Dr. Lewis made a motion that the Committee meetings be held Wednesday, November 4, 2004.  Dr. Padgett seconded the motion.  The motion passed with Dr. Jernigan opposed.

The Board discussed the letter from Mr. Ned Fowler, dean, Allied Health and Public Service Division, of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College.  No Further action was taken.

The Board discussed the letter from Michael Davidson, D.V.M. associate Dean and Director of Veterinary Medical Services at the College of Veterinary Medicine North Carolina State University concerning a registered veterinary technician performing tooth extractions.  The Executive Director is to send a letter stating that the General Statutes do no allow a non-licensed individual to perform tooth extractions.

Upon a motion by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Mrs. Robinson, the Board approved the actual expenses for this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote upon a motion by Dr. Padgett and seconded by Dr. Hawkins at 12:35 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted, 
Thomas M. Mickey
Executive Director

November 4, 2004, MINUTES
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board, Raleigh, North Carolina

President Herbert Justus, D.V.M., Called the regular meeting of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board to order at 8:30 A.M.  In attendance were Board members Drs. Amy Lewis, David Marshall, Richard Hawkins, Kenneth Padgett, Richard Hawkins, Mrs. Nancy Robinson, R.V.T., And Ms. Amy Edwards.  Also present were Board Attorney, Mr. George Hearn, and Executive Director, Mr. Thomas Mickey.

The Executive Director read the minutes of the August 27, 2004, meeting.  On a motion made by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Dr. Hawkins, the minutes were approved as corrected.

The Investigator presented a report of his work since the last Board meeting.  No further action was taken.

The Executive Director reported on activities of the Board office since the last meeting.  No further action was taken.

The Executive Director distributed a financial report to the Members of the Board.  Dr. Padgett made a motion to approve the report.  Mrs. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 1.

03035-1-1   Harold Pearce, D.V.M. (Complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Holt) - The Committee met with Mr. & Mrs. Holt in response to their request.  After meeting with them, the Committee determined that it would let the previously issued letter of reprimand stand.

04024-1-1    Craig A. Corry, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Peggy Leggett) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand and $500.00 civil monetary penalty.

04014-1-1    Diana Whittier Dudley, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. Edsel F. Roberts) - No response by Mr. Roberts, complaint dismissed, no probable cause.

04026-1-1     Craig A. Corry, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Barbara Leonard) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04020-1-1     John Schoolmeester, D.V.M. & Lori Sanderson, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Melanie Howard) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04028-1-1     William T. Dawkins, D.V.M. (Complaint by Mr. James A. Beaty, Jr.) - Continued.

04032-1-1     Jon Christopher Dick, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Pam Melton) - Dismissed, no probable cause

Dr. Padgett made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 1 report.  Dr. Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 7.

04040-2-7     Benjamin L. Jones, D.V.M. & Katrina Ann Becker, D.V.M. (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, both Doctors are to receive a Letter of Reprimand, $500.00 civil monetary penalty and 20 hours of continuing education.

04037-2-7     Thomas Martin Daniel, Jr., D.V.M. & Alison Jane Morton, D.V.M. (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, both Doctors are to receive a Letter of Reprimand, $500.00 civil monetary penalty and 20 hours of continuing education.

04025-1-7     Jack V. Hill, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Patricia  A. Lambert) - Continued.

04029-1-7     Michael Christian Ward, D.V.M. (Complaint by Ms. Mary Cox) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04023-1-7     Robert Loring Bergman, D.V.M. (Complaint of Ms. Jennifer Dement) - Dismissed, no probable cause.

04038-2-7     Joseph K. Gordon, D.V.M. (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04043-2-7     Abigail Winifred Hollowell, D.V.M. (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Caution.

04047-2-7     Fernando Cardenas, D.V.M. & Elaine Mae Means, D.V.M. (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand, $500.00 civil monetary penalty, and 20 hours of continuing education.

04045-2-7     Larry K. Watts, D.V.M. (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand, $500.00 civil monetary penalty, and 20 hours of continuing education.

Ms. Edwards made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 7 report.  Dr. Hawkins seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Report of Committee on Investigations No. 8.

04034-2-8     Daniel P. Bowen, D.V.M.  (Board initiated complaint) - Disciplinary action, Letter of Reprimand, $500.00 civil monetary penalty and 20 hours of continuing education.
Mrs. Robinson made a motion to approve the Committee on Investigations Number 8 report.  Dr. Robinson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board discussed the recent "shot" (excluding rabies) clinics that have been taking place around the state.  No further action was taken.

Dr. Justus appointed a Long Range Planning Committee consisting of Dr. Hawkins, Chairman, Mrs. Robinson and Ms. Edwards.

Upon a motion by Dr. Padgett, seconded by Dr. Lewis, the Board approved the actual expenses for this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote upon a motion by Mrs. Robinson and seconded by Dr. Padgett at 11:05 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted, 
Thomas M. Mickey
Executive Director



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